
Top 3 Collagen Benefits For Skin

Collagen is the most common type of protein in the human body, so more and more supplements to increase collagen have become in high demand in the current market. As this protein poses anti-aging effects, multiple people utilize collagen to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face. However, collagen benefits for hair and skin go beyond the anti-aging feature – keep reading to discover them in the article. But first, check out Cocoon’s naked skin facial for deep skin hydration, collagen growth, and glowing skin appearance.

Collagen at the glance

Collagen is a complete protein that consists of 1,400 amino acids in a long triple helix structure. Around 16 types of this protein are found in our bodies. In addition, human bones, connective tissues, and skin, among other parts, are mainly built from collagen and the additional crucial protein elastin. When an individual reaches the age of 25, collagen levels in their bodies begin to drop for the rest of their lifetime. Therefore, it is essential to maintain collagen in our organisms in adulthood.

Collagen is beneficial not only for hair and skin; it poses properties that are excellent for our health. Apart from the skin rejuvenation and glowing effects, this protein promotes heart health and better joint function. Many people find collagen helpful for muscle growth and bone strengthening, while others incorporate collagen to fight hair loss.

Primary benefits of collagen for skin

1. It helps reduce signs of skin aging

One of the most significant and valued collagen benefits for skin is its anti-aging effects. Our skin tends to become wrinkled and dull as we age, resulting from less collagen production in our bodies. Since collagen is a crucial element in the skin structure, it makes sense to use topical skin care products or take supplements to maintain skin health. Even though you won’t notice the results of collagen supplementing or skincare routine overnight, adding this protein to a diet is the way to reduce facial wrinkles and achieve better skin hydration.

2. It offers anti-inflammatory properties

Although collagen isn’t as potent as the antioxidants, such as Vitamin E and Vitamin C, it can still protect our body, particularly the skin, from the harmful influence of free radicals. By the way, free radicals are best known to provoke inflammation and damage the human system. Collagen becomes an even more essential component in your diet or skincare ritual with its anti-inflammatory effects.

3. It promotes faster wound healing

Among a range of collagen for skin benefits, faster wound healing appears as good quality. According to the 2019 review of several studies on collagen, this protein has the potential to strengthen skin elasticity and promote the healing of skin wounds. What is more, participants reported that collagen had no side effects, making this supplement efficient and safe for overall skin health.