Hydrate Skin

5 Derm-Approved Ways To Hydrate Skin

If you’re like most women, you’re always looking for ways to improve the health and appearance of your skin. Hydration is key to achieving healthy skin, so we’ve put together a list of five derm-approved ways to hydrate your skin. Keep reading to learn more. But before we start, please check out our advanced EGF Serum. These skin saviours will deliver hydration and moisture retention to receive visibly smoother, plumper, and firmer skin. 

What causes our skin to lose water? 

The outermost layer of our skin is composed of dead cells constantly being shed. This process is known as desquamation, which helps keep our skin soft, smooth, and healthy. In order for new cells to take the place of the old ones, our skin must be constantly hydrated. Without enough water, the process of desquamation slows down, and the cells become dry and flaky. The truth is that many factors can contribute to dehydration, including exposure to wind and sun, hot showers, and certain medications. We can help prevent uncomfortable symptoms of dry and flaky skin by taking steps to keep our skin hydrated. 

Best way to hydrate crepey skin

Use a gentle cleanser 

It is essential to use a gentle cleanser on your face to prevent dry skin. Many cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can strip the natural oils from your skin, leaving it feeling dry and tight. You will want to choose a mild, fragrance-free cleanser designed for sensitive skin. Gently massage the cleanser into your skin using circular motions, then rinse with warm water. Avoid scrubbing your face, as this can further irritate the skin. Pat your face dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer immediately after cleansing to lock in hydration. 

Apply hydrating toner 

Most people are familiar with the basic steps of a skin care routine: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. However, toner is often seen as an optional step, especially if you have dry skin. In reality, toner is a crucial part of any skin care ritual, and switching to a hydrating toner can make a big difference in the health of your skin. Alcohol-based toners are harsh and can actually strip away moisture, exacerbating dryness and making it more difficult for your moisturizer to do its job. On the other hand, hydrating toners help to replenish moisture levels, making them an essential step for those with dry skin. In addition, hydrating toners can also help to reduce the appearance of pores and improve the overall texture of your skin. Switching to a hydrating toner is a great place to start if you’re looking for the best way to hydrate and moisturize your skin. 

Drink sufficient water 

Drinking enough water is vital for many reasons, and keeping your skin hydrated is one of them. When your skin is adequately hydrated, it helps to protect against environmental stressors, maintain a healthy barrier function, and prevent dryness and itchiness. Although you can use lotions and creams to help keep your skin hydrated, drinking plenty of water is the best way to do so. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day or more if you are active or live in a hot climate. Besides keeping your skin hydrated, drinking plenty of water will improve your overall health. 

Opt for a humidifier 

Sometimes, the best way to hydrate skin naturally is to invest in a humidifier. This small appliance can make a big difference in your skin’s moisture levels. By adding water vapor to the air, humidifiers help to keep the air around you moist. This can prevent dry skin and help to soothe irritated skin. In addition, humidifiers can also help to reduce static electricity. If you live in a dry climate or suffer from seasonal allergies, opting for a humidifier is a great way to improve your overall skin health.

Consider supplements 

If you ask what is best to hydrate your skin, you will want to supplement your diet with hydrating nutrients like vitamin D, collagen, and fish oil. Vitamin D helps to encourage skin cell turnover, while collagen provides the skin with essential proteins for strength and elasticity. Fish oil is also beneficial for keeping skin moisturized and hydrated from the inside out. In addition to these nutrients, it is also necessary to drink plenty of water. 

The outlook 

The next time you’re experiencing a bout of dry, flaky skin, don’t despair. There are plenty of derm-approved ways to rehydrate and bring back your natural glow. Check out our online shop to explore a range of solutions for skin dehydration, from gentle cleansers to intensive moisturizers. With the right tools in your arsenal, you can end pesky dry skin problems and show off healthy, hydrated skin all year long.